
Fastest-lap is ready to use once you have the dynamic library libfastestlapc-VERSION, plus other libraries such as Ipopt and Mumps. The following steps describe how to get such library.

Windows 10 (Precompiled binaries)

Prerequisites: none :)

Download the latest release of Fastest-lap, and unzip its contents to your desired folder. If you don’t want bad things to happen, keep all the files into their original directory relative to the root!

  • 📁 bin contains the Fastest-lap C++ dynamic library: libfastestlapc-VERSION.dll plus other dynamic libraries fastest-lap depends on.

  • 📁 include contains the Fastest-lap C header fastestlapc.h and the python module

  • 📁 database includes track and vehicle models inputs

  • 📁 examples contains python notebook examples


Linux and Mac


Fastest-lap has been successfully compiled with:


  • Apple clang version 13.0.0

  • GNU Fortran (Homebrew GCC 11.2.0_3) 11.2.0


  • g++ (GCC) 11.2.0

  • GNU Fortran (GCC) 11.2.0

The steps to build this project using CMake are the usual:

1) Set a variable FASTESTLAP to the top level directory

$ export FASTESTLAP=/path/to/fastest-lap

2) Create a build folder.

$ mkdir ${FASTESTLAP}/build

3) From the build folder, run cmake

$ cd ${FASTESTLAP}/build && cmake ..

The following options can be set to customise the compilation:

  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: Debug/Release (defaults to RELEASE)

  • CMAKE_C_COMPILER: /path/to/cc

  • CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER: /path/to/cxx

  • CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER: /path/to/fc

At this stage, CMake will download and install all the thirdparty dependencies. This can take up to 30 minutes

4) Compile

$ make

If make was successful, the dynamic library libfastestlapc.dylib (Mac) or (Linux) should be found in ${FASTESTLAP}/build/lib

5) (Optional but recommended) Test

$ ctest --verbose


If you encounter any issue while repeating the steps, first take a look in the Issues section of the repository. Probably someone has been there before :). If still you cannot fix the issue, feel free to open a new issue.